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Divya / Patanjali

Jatyadi Taila - Divya

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Divya Jatyadi Oil, derived from the seeds of the Jatyadi plant, is a herbal oil that serves as a remedy for both bleeding and non-bleeding piles, crevices, and fissures. Divya Jatyadi Taila, a herbal amalgam in the form of oil, is beneficial for abhyanga, kacchu, sphotaka, and nadi vrana. This oil acts as a fast healer for wounds, providing protection against germs. It also possesses antiseptic and fungicidal properties. The ingredients found in Divya Jatyadi oil include Tila Taila, Neem, Patola, Karanja, Siktha, Yasti, Kustha, Haridra, Daruharidra, Kaluka, Manjistha, Padmaka, Lodhra, Haritaki, Nilotpala, and more.

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