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In Ayurveda Haritaki is referred to as an herbaceous plant used primarily in various medicinal formulations. In Ayurveda, the philosophy of longevity is described in the Charka Samhita that it possesses five rasas, or tastes, out of the existing six as described in the Charka Samhita. These tastes are, respectively, sweet, sour, salty, pungent, bitter and astringent; Haritaki being devoid of the salty taste. Haritaki is hot, carminative, and it is light, works as a appetizer bringing about the stimulation of digestion, digestive, promoter of life. Tonic, an herb helping in the sustenance of youthful age and provides strength to all the sense organs.
Following are the properties of Haritaki:
Parts Used: Fruits (powdered fruit).
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