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Divya / Patanjali

Ashmarihar Ras

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Main Ingredients:

Yava-kshara, Muli-kshara, Shveta-parpati, Hajarala Yahuda, etc.

Therapeutic Uses:

  • Divya Ashmarihar Ras is in powder form &, is diuretic;
  • Divya Ashmarihar Ras helps in dissolving deposited calculi & takes it out from the body
  • Divya Ashmarihar Ras helps in relieving from complications like pains caused by it;
  • Divya Ashmarihar Ras helps in removing edema & pain of kidney; stops the tendency of stone formation.
  • Divya Ashmarihar Ras used regularly for sometime, patient gets relieved for ever & no chance remains for stone-formation.
  • Divya Ashmarihar Ras cures the burning sensation in the urine (burning micturation) & takes out deposited toxins from the body.

Mode of Administration:

To be taken on empty stomach in the morning and in the evening at about 6-7 0' clock, either followed by 'Asmari-har Kwath' or fresh water.


1-2 gm., twice a day. 
